Monthly Archives: July 2017

RETIRE WITH FIRE – Featured on Bublish

The following excerpt from Champion Your Career: Winning in the World of Work by Halimah Bellows MA, MS is now featured on Bublish at:


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Author Insight

We have this gift of time, combined with our skills and talents, to create the best stage of life for ourselves. The greatest mistake, however, is thinking that our retirement years will be happy and perfect without any planning or preparation. It’s magical thinking that will lead to depression, disappointment, and even declining health.

This chapter is about how, when you’re approaching your retirement years, you can reinvent yourself and allow or effect a transformation into a fulfilling new life.

Book Excerpt

A Rewarding Retirement–This stage, with intentional forethought and design, will yield a healthy and balanced life. The retiree who achieves this is open to new sources of learning and exploration and carries a deepening sense of life’s purpose while nurturing rich, rewarding relationships. It’s never too late to be who you might have been. It’s never too late for a second childhood where you can explore without interruption yearnings and passions in the arts, in service work, in new areas of interest. Retirement can then be experienced as an adventure, a process of experimentation in bringing out the best in ourselves and our interaction with others.